Thursday, October 9, 2014

on blogging.

Greetings interweb!

I've heavily debating starting up this blog for a number of reason that you are likely uninterested in, but suffice it to say that writing the posts to come have served as a sort of vent for all the things that bounce around my brain at night. I don't create music, I don't draw, or paint, or do anything of significantly creativite for that matter. So writing has been a good outlet for me and my thoughts. I originally never intended to post the majority of what follows, but who knows, maybe somebody will find it interesting. I won't go into too much detail about where all of these scatterbrained ramblings come from, but i will say this: My blog is probably the closest any of you will get to being inside my mind. So tread carefully.

As far as the validity of the claims i make in these posts, please understand

I make no claims to having extensive knowledge of these topics,
but instead I claim to be constantly searching for that knowledge.

I make no claims to presenting innovative or new topics that will interest you,
but instead I claim to be writing about the things that keep me up at night.

I make no claims to having all the anwers in these posts,
but instead I claim to be expressing my thoughts as I work through the questions.

I make no claims to writing elegantly or even particularly well,
but instead I claim to be writing out of a genuine spirit of honesty.

And last but most importantly,
I make no claims to speaking objective truth,
but instead I claim to be wrestling through my own subjective bias in the pursuit of ultimate truth.

Don't forget to check back occaionally as i hope to post a new one of these (articles? blogs? journals? whatever) roughly once a week.


Or don't. It's your life.

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